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Sponsorship Licences and Visa Sponsorship

Simplify Sponsorship Licences and Visa Applications for Your Business | Expert Guidance 

In the UK, sponsorship licences and visa sponsorships work together to enable businesses to hire skilled workers and other eligible individuals from outside the UK. Here’s a breakdown: 

  1. Sponsorship Licence
  2. Visa Sponsorship
  3. Benefits for Businesses
  4. Who Needs a Sponsorship Licence
  5. Eligibility
  6. Choosing the Right Licence
  7. The Application Process
  8. Processing Time and Approval
  9. Why Choose a Sponsorship Licence Lawyer for Your Business?
  10. When to Consider a Sponsorship Lawyer
  11. Additional Tips
  12. Why Choose BPA Immigration Lawyers

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Sponsorship Licence

This is a government-issued permit that allows a UK business to sponsor foreign workers under specific visa categories.   

It demonstrates the company’s commitment to ethical recruitment practices and meeting visa sponsor duties. 

Different types of licences exist for different visa categories, like Tier 2 Skilled Worker or Senior or Specialist Worker. 

Businesses in the UK need a Sponsorship Licence if they want to sponsor foreign workers under several visa categories.

Sponsorship Licences

Visa Sponsorship

Once a business has a sponsorship licence, it can sponsor individuals for specific visas for example a skilled worker.

This involves endorsing their visa application, ensuring they meet sponsorship requirements, and maintaining compliance with sponsor duties. 

Sponsorship covers aspects like salary checks, record-keeping, and reporting to the Home Office. 

Benefits for Businesses

Access a wider talent pool and attract skilled individuals, address skills shortages in specific sectors and grow their business with international expertise. 

Overall, sponsorship licences and visa sponsorships are crucial tools for UK businesses to tap into diverse talent and contribute to the economy. 

Who Needs a Sponsorship Licence

1. Businesses sponsoring skilled workers: 

This is the most common scenario. If you want to hire someone under the Tier 2 (General) Skilled Worker visa, you will need a sponsorship licence. This includes workers in various occupations, from IT professionals and engineers to chefs and nurses. 

2. Businesses sponsoring Senior or Specialist Workers: 

This visa category targets highly skilled and experienced individuals in specific sectors like academia, science, and technology. Similarly, sponsoring individuals under this visa requires a dedicated sponsorship licence. 

3. Businesses sponsoring Senior or Specialist Worker

A Senior or Specialist Worker visa allows you to come to or stay in the UK to do an eligible job at your employer’s UK branch. This visa has replaced the Intra-company Transfer visa, previously the Tier 2 (Intra-company Transfer) Long-term Staff visa.

4. Businesses sponsoring other specific visa categories: 

Certain other visa categories like Sportsperson, Minister of Religion, and Creative Worker also require sponsorship licences in specific circumstances. 


Before starting, verify if your business meets the eligibility criteria for sponsoring foreign workers. This includes factors like financial stability, recruitment practices, and compliance history. 

Choosing the Right Licence

Different types of Sponsorship Licences exist for various visa categories, like Tier 2 Skilled Worker or Senior or Specialist Worker. Choose the one that aligns with your needs and the visa category of the individual you want to sponsor. 

Sponsorship Licences applications

The Application Process

The application is made online through the Sponsorship Management System (SMS) and involves several key steps: 

  • Registering your business with the Home Office. 
  • Appointing a Key Contact and Responsible Person. 
  • Providing detailed information about your business, its finances, and recruitment practices. 
  • Paying the application fee. 
  • Submitting supporting documents
Sponsorship Licences Visa Applications

Processing Time and Approval

Expect a processing time of around 8 weeks for standard applications. This can vary depending on the complexity of your case. 

The Home Office will assess your application against strict criteria and may request additional information if needed. 

Upon approval, you will receive your Sponsorship Licence electronically, along with a unique Sponsor Licence number. 

Is your Sponsor License Due to Expire?

If your Sponsor licence is due to expire on or after 06 April 2024, you will no longer have to make a renewal application or pay the renewal fee, as the licence expiry date will automatically be extended to expire in 10 years’ time.  No action is required by you as a Sponsor to do this.

Compliance Audits by the Home Office will continue, both announced and unannounced audits.  Therefore, it is vital that sponsors keep their HR systems and record keeping up to date. 

Why Choose a Sponsorship Licence Lawyer for Your Business?

Navigating the complexities of UK Sponsorship Licences and visa sponsorships can be daunting for businesses, especially with strict regulations and ever-changing requirements. While you can technically apply yourself, partnering with a dedicated Sponsorship Licence lawyer offers a multitude of benefits: 

Increased Success Rates:

Expertise and knowledge: Lawyers possess in-depth understanding of immigration law, sponsorship regulations, and Home Office expectations. They can guide you through complex processes and ensure your application adheres to all requirements, minimising the risk of rejection and costly delays. 

Experienced application handling: Lawyers have a proven track record of successful applications across various visa categories and complexities. They leverage their experience to anticipate potential issues and address them proactively, increasing your chances of securing the licence efficiently. 

Reduced Stress and Time Commitment:

Streamlined process: Lawyers handle the entire application process for you, from initial eligibility assessment to gathering documents, completing forms, and liaising with the Home Office. This frees up your valuable time and resources to focus on core business activities. 

Peace of mind: Knowing a qualified professional is managing your application alleviates stress and uncertainty. You can be confident that everything is being handled meticulously and professionally. 

Compliance and Ongoing Support

Expert advice: Lawyers can assess your specific needs and advise on the most suitable sponsor licence type, ensuring compliance with ongoing obligations and sponsor duties. 

Proactive guidance: They stay updated on changing regulations and advise you on any necessary adjustments to maintain compliance, avoiding potential penalties or licence revocation. 

Long-term partnership: Once licensed, lawyers can support you with future sponsorships, renewals, and any immigration queries related to your sponsored employees. 

Additional Advantages:

Cost-effectiveness: While upfront fees might seem high, consider the time, resources, and potential costs associated with a DIY application that gets rejected. Lawyers can prevent costly delays and rejections, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. 

Reputation and trust: Employing a reputable lawyer demonstrates your commitment to ethical recruitment practices and responsible sponsorship, potentially enhancing your employer brand and attracting top talent. 

When to Consider a Sponsorship Lawyer

Complex cases: If your business has a complex business structure, sponsors multiple individuals, or has a history of compliance issues, expert guidance becomes crucial. 

High-value positions: When sponsoring key personnel or facing tight deadlines, minimising risks, and ensuring a successful outcome justifies partnering with a lawyer. 

Lack of internal expertise: If your team lacks the necessary knowledge or resources to handle the application confidently, seeking professional assistance provides valuable expertise and peace of mind. 

Visa Sponsorship Lawyers

Additional Tips

Start early: Begin the application process well in advance to ensure sufficient time for gathering documents and meeting deadlines. 

Seek professional guidance: Consider working with immigration specialists like BPA Immigration Lawyers for assistance with application preparation and compliance. 

Ensure accuracy and completeness: Provide all necessary information and documentation accurately to avoid delays or rejections. 

Stay updated: Immigration regulations and requirements can change, so stay informed about the latest updates. 

Ultimately, choosing a Sponsorship Licence lawyer is an investment in your business’s success. Our expertise, experience, and ongoing support can ensure a smooth application process, secure your licence efficiently, and protect your business from compliance risks. 

Why Choose BPA Immigration Lawyers

At BPA Immigration Lawyers, we are highly rated experts in helping businesses obtain a Sponsorship License, your Skilled Work visa needs and remaining compliant with the stringent Home Office regulations. We operate in all areas of Immigration Law. 

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